Deriving Average Powers
Consider an arbitrary load (potentially both resistive and reactive) where:
v(t)=Vmcos(ωt+θv)i(t)=Imcos(ωt+θi)Instantaneous power is given by:
p(t)=v(t) i(t)=VmImcos(ωt+θv)cos(ωt+θi)Find the average power delivered to this load.
We can apply the following product-to-sum identity:
To make things simpler, let’s define the power angle θ:
Substituting into p(t) then applying the following compound angle identity:
cos(α−β)=cosαcosβ+sinαsinβp(t)=2VmIm[cos([2ωt+2θv]−θ)+cos(θ)]=2VmIm[cos(2ωt+2θv)cos(θ)+sin(2ωt+2θv)sin(θ)+cos(θ)]=2VmImcos(θ)average value=0cos(2ωt+2θv)+1+2VmImsin(θ)average value=0sin(2ωt+2θv)
To find average power, we notice that two time-dependent sinusoids have average values of zero, therefore our average power P is: