
Photography Notes

I’m mainly interested in digital photography, so that will be the focus of my notes.

I’ve been dabbling with my current DSLR and phone photography for quite a while now and I enjoy the composition side of things, but I started this document mainly to fill a gap in knowledge around the technical side of photography, so that’s what I’m focusing on fleshing out for now.

Section 1a: Core Technical Concepts

Exposure Triangle

Shutter Speed

Slower shutter speed → more exposure, more motion blur.


Smaller f-stop number → larger aperture → more exposure, shallower depth of field.

Mathematically, the f-stop (NN) is a dimensionless ratio:

N=fD=focal lengthdiameter of entrance pupil (effective aperture) N = \frac{f}{D} = \frac{\text{focal length}}{\text{diameter of entrance pupil (effective aperture)}}


Higher ISO number → more exposure, and usually more noise.


Focal Length



Section 1b: Videography-Specific Concepts


Section 1c: Gear Considerations

Single vs. Dual Card Slots

Section 2: Post-Production


Section 3: Framing and Composition

Although this section is put after all the technical stuff, this may be the most important thing in photography. I placed this section here to let the technical stuff give the framing and composition techniques context.