
Sim's FFXIV Savage Notes (Patch 6.2)

[P6S] Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)

My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.

Recurring mechanics:

Phases abstract:

  1. [Poly 1] Stay in LP stack. Dodge Exocleaver.
  2. [Pathogenic Cells] One-at-a-time pizza slice cleave from 1 to 8.
  3. [Exchange of Agonies 1]
    • Donut/stack marker IN, fireball OUT.
    • Tether means do the opposite.
    • Pay attention to “Choros”.
  4. [Transmission] “Cleaving Snake/Wing” and “Choros”.
  5. [Poly 2] Memorize safe spot. Drop and dodge “puddle”. TODO
  6. [Exchange of Agonies 2]
    • Stack marker OUT, fireball IN.
    • Dodge Exocleaver.
  7. [Poly 3] Memorize safe spot. Stay in LP stack. TODO
  8. [Dark Ashes] Spread and dodge Choros Ixou.
  9. [Cachexia 1]
    • Bait order: 20 → 8 → 12 → 16
    • Bait the snake/wing OPPOSITE of your debuff icon.
    • Stay spread throughout whole phase (except for necessary movement).
    • Ptera Ixou: Go to the snake/wing side OPPOSITE of your new debuff icon.
  10. [Poly 4] Memorize safe spot. TODO
  11. (repeat Exchange of Agonies)
  12. [Poly 5]
    • Memorize safe spot. TODO
    • Drop and dodge “puddle”.
  13. [Cachexia 2]
    • Go to the snake/wing side OPPOSITE of your new debuff icon.
    • Memorize safe spot. TODO
  14. [Poly 6] “Something diagonal to a corner-plus.
    • Drop and dodge “puddle”.
  15. [Poly 7] Use only the “inner” safe squares.


[P7S] Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)

My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.

Recurring mechanics:

Phases abstract:

  1. [Blades of Attis] Everyone go to safe front side.
  2. [Forbidden Fruit 1] Front platform WITHOUT “Bull” is safe. LP stacks.
  3. [Debuffs]
    • “Bough”Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.
    • ”Debuffs” stacks/spreads
  4. [Forbidden Fruit 2]
    • Spread and dodge “Birds”. KB RESIST as soon as KB indicator shows.
    • Split into LP’s before bridges collapse.
  5. [Forbidden Fruit 3]
    • Dodge “Bulls” via. the bridge.
    • “Bough” → Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.
  6. [Forbidden Fruit 4]
    • “Bull Tether” → Spread at bull platform.
    • “Minotaur Tether” → Stretch to opposite minotaur platform.
    • Untethered → Bait untethered minotaur away from bull.
  7. [Blades of Attis] Ride KB to SE/SW corners. Stay in LP stacks. Dodge AOEs around.
  8. [Forbidden Fruit 5] (“Birds and Towers”)
    • “Bird Tether” → Go exactly opposite.
    • Untethered → Towers. Sit towards the edge of the arena.
    • “Immortal’s Obol” → Everyone go to one platform.
  9. [Inviolate Purgation (FF6)] (“Sleepo Strat”)
    • TODO
  10. [Forbidden Fruit 7]
    • Start at far edge of empty platform.
    • Dodge chasing AOEs via. bird that isn’t facing you.
  11. [Famine’s Harvest]
    • Preposition at 2-egg platform.
    • “Minotaur Tether”Tethers form an “X”.
    • Untethered → Go to 2-egg platform. Bait the minotaurs. Sprint to dodge.
  12. [Death’s Harvest] (“Fixed Strat”)
    • TODO
  13. [War’s Harvest] (“Inumaru Strat”)
    • “Bull Tether” → Spread at bull platform.
    • “Bird Tether” → Point away at your bird’s platform.
    • “Minotaur Tether” → Stretch through the appropriate bird.
  14. Easy Mechanics
    • An LP stack will appear.
    • “Bough” → Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.

Phase reminder (TODO: Merge this into the other dotlist somehow. I just find this to be a very convenient alternative):

  1. [Blades of Attis] Go to safe front side.
  2. [Forbidden Fruit 1] Go to front without bull. LP stacks.
  3. [Debuffs] Stack/spread at back.
  4. [Forbidden Fruit 2] Birds + spread. KB-res.
  5. [Forbidden Fruit 3] All platforms bulls.
  6. [Forbidden Fruit 4] Bull tether, 2-mino tether, mino.
  7. [Blades of Attis] Ride KB to SE/SW corners.
  8. [Forbidden Fruit 5] Birds and towers. KB-res.
  9. [Immortal’s Obol] Everyone go to one platform.
  10. [Inviolate Purgation (FF6)] (“Sleepo”) Stack/spread four times.
  11. [Forbidden Fruit 7] Start at empty platform, dodge chasing AOE.
  12. [Famine’s Harvest] Prepos at 2-egg platform. Sprint when eggs hatch. Tethers form “X”, or bait minos.
  13. [Death’s Harvest] (“Fixed”) Spread relative to bull.
  14. [War’s Harvest] (“Inumaru”) Prepos at bull platform, mentally trace Mino tethers. Mino through a bird. Bird perpendicular to mino tether. KB-res
  15. Easy Mechanics LP stack at back.


[P8S p1] Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage), Phase 1

My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.

Recurring mechanics:


  1. [Volcanic Torches 1] Octa/Tetra storage; One safe square per quadrant; Bird/Snake.
  2. [Reforged Reflection 1] KB-res early in cast. Either of two phases happens:
    • [Centaur 1]: Spread. Count AOE order. Bait in order.
    • [Snake 1]: Look-aways; Freeze the adds, kill with green AOEs.
  3. [Illusory Creation]
    1. Bird + Snake; Spread; If not hit, bait earthshakers.
    2. Double-bird/snake. Nest of Flamevipers = spread for line AOEs, else pair-stacks.
  4. [Volcanic Torches 2] One safe square. Just pay attention to SW corner.
  5. Repeat Reforged Reflection 1 with the phase you didn’t get.
  6. [Fourfold Fires]
    1. Octa/Tetra storage.
    2. Three huge corner explosions. Octa/Tetra on the second one.
    3. Bird/snake with stored stack/spread resolving after the third.
  7. [Reforged Reflection 2] KB-res IF CENTAUR ONLY. Either of two phases happens:
    • [Centaur 2]
      1. Impact = Go front, crush = back. Di/Tetra storage.
      1. Charge with Di/Tetra resolvingEdge → Charge → Edge → Volcanic Torches
      2. Remember to preposition to the correct north/south side during the first edge mechanic!
    • [Snake 2]:
      • Don’t kill “green AOE”. LoS and stack+kill with “purple AOE”.
      • Last clone spawns after the second set of stack/kill go off. FIND IT.
  8. Repeat Reforged Reflection 2 with the phase you didn’t get.

Tips and tricks:


[P8S p2] Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage), Phase 2

My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.

Recurring mechanics:


  1. [Natural Alignment 1]
    1. Drop puddles → Stack/Spread → “Safe Side” → 🗘Stack/Spread
    2. Fire = 3 furthest; Ice = 2 closest. Fire = “Far T-shape”
  2. [High Concept 1]
    1. {Short αβγ → Out} {Else → Stacks}
    2. Match+soak puddles. “Safe side”.
    3. {Long αβγ → Out} {Nothing OR Unused → Soak αβγ} {Animal → Standby}
    4. Match+soak puddles. {Had Long αβγ → COMBINE} {Else → COMBINE}
  3. [Limitless Desolation]
    • Spread → When hit, prepos near your tower → Dodge puddle + Soak tower
  4. [Natural Alignment 2] Read which mechs are inverted.
  5. [High Concept 2]
    1. {Short αβγ → Out} {Nothing → Soak α, COMBINE} {Else → Stacks}
    2. Match+soak puddles. “Safe side”.
    3. {Long αβγ → Out} {Else → Standby}
    4. Match+soak puddles, bait clones. {Long αβ → COMBINE} {Leftover elements → COMBINE}
    5. Red + Green → COMBINE
  6. [Dominion] Spread. If you weren’t hit, you take first towers. Repeat.

Fire/Ice decision tree for Scripe Strat:

Tips and tricks:
