Sim's FFXIV Savage Notes (Patch 6.2)
[P6S] Abyssos: The Sixth Circle (Savage)
My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.
Recurring mechanics:
- [Exocleaver]: Dodge BOTH hits.
- “Choros” [Choros Ixou]: Watch for TELEGRAPH. Dodge BOTH hits.
- “Puddle” [Dark Dome]: Drops an INVISIBLE PUDDLE the moment the cast finishes.
- “Cleaving Snake/Wing”: Snake cleaves your front. Wing cleaves behind you.
Phases abstract:
- [Poly 1] Stay in LP stack. Dodge Exocleaver.
- [Pathogenic Cells] One-at-a-time pizza slice cleave from 1 to 8.
- [Exchange of Agonies 1]
- Donut/stack marker IN, fireball OUT.
- Tether means do the opposite.
- Pay attention to “Choros”.
- [Transmission] “Cleaving Snake/Wing” and “Choros”.
- [Poly 2] Memorize safe spot. Drop and dodge “puddle”. TODO
- [Exchange of Agonies 2]
- Stack marker OUT, fireball IN.
- Dodge Exocleaver.
- [Poly 3] Memorize safe spot. Stay in LP stack. TODO
- [Dark Ashes] Spread and dodge Choros Ixou.
- [Cachexia 1]
- Bait order: 20 → 8 → 12 → 16
- Bait the snake/wing OPPOSITE of your debuff icon.
- Stay spread throughout whole phase (except for necessary movement).
- Ptera Ixou: Go to the snake/wing side OPPOSITE of your new debuff icon.
- [Poly 4] Memorize safe spot. TODO
- (repeat Exchange of Agonies)
- [Poly 5]
- Memorize safe spot. TODO
- Drop and dodge “puddle”.
- [Cachexia 2]
- Go to the snake/wing side OPPOSITE of your new debuff icon.
- Memorize safe spot. TODO
- [Poly 6] “Something diagonal to a corner-plus.
- Drop and dodge “puddle”.
- [Poly 7] Use only the “inner” safe squares.
- (Personal Experience)
- Hector Lecture (full guide)
[P7S] Abyssos: The Seventh Circle (Savage)
My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.
Recurring mechanics:
- “Bough” [Bough of Attis]: Cleaves platforms.
- [Forbidden Fruit]
- “Bull” (“Circle Fruit”) → Cleaves its platform.
- Tether → Line AOEs.
- “Bird” (“Lines Fruit”) → Line AOE
- “Mino(taur)” (“Mouth Fruit”) → Dodgeable cone AOE at two closest players.
- “Bull” (“Circle Fruit”) → Cleaves its platform.
- “Debuffs”
- Numbering: 1 means do it first, 2 is second, etc.
- “Red Spread, Otherwise Stack”
Phases abstract:
- [Blades of Attis] Everyone go to safe front side.
- [Forbidden Fruit 1] Front platform WITHOUT “Bull” is safe. LP stacks.
- [Debuffs]
- “Bough” → Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.
- ”Debuffs” stacks/spreads
- [Forbidden Fruit 2]
- Spread and dodge “Birds”. KB RESIST as soon as KB indicator shows.
- Split into LP’s before bridges collapse.
- [Forbidden Fruit 3]
- Dodge “Bulls” via. the bridge.
- “Bough” → Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.
- [Forbidden Fruit 4]
- “Bull Tether” → Spread at bull platform.
- “Minotaur Tether” → Stretch to opposite minotaur platform.
- Untethered → Bait untethered minotaur away from bull.
- [Blades of Attis] Ride KB to SE/SW corners. Stay in LP stacks. Dodge AOEs around.
- [Forbidden Fruit 5] (“Birds and Towers”)
- “Bird Tether” → Go exactly opposite.
- Untethered → Towers. Sit towards the edge of the arena.
- “Immortal’s Obol” → Everyone go to one platform.
- [Inviolate Purgation (FF6)] (“Sleepo Strat”)
- [Forbidden Fruit 7]
- Start at far edge of empty platform.
- Dodge chasing AOEs via. bird that isn’t facing you.
- [Famine’s Harvest]
- Preposition at 2-egg platform.
- “Minotaur Tether” → Tethers form an “X”.
- Untethered → Go to 2-egg platform. Bait the minotaurs. Sprint to dodge.
- [Death’s Harvest] (“Fixed Strat”)
- [War’s Harvest] (“Inumaru Strat”)
- “Bull Tether” → Spread at bull platform.
- “Bird Tether” → Point away at your bird’s platform.
- “Minotaur Tether” → Stretch through the appropriate bird.
- Easy Mechanics
- An LP stack will appear.
- “Bough” → Back is safe. Arrows is unsafe.
Phase reminder (TODO: Merge this into the other dotlist somehow. I just find this to be a very convenient alternative):
- [Blades of Attis] Go to safe front side.
- [Forbidden Fruit 1] Go to front without bull. LP stacks.
- [Debuffs] Stack/spread at back.
- [Forbidden Fruit 2] Birds + spread. KB-res.
- [Forbidden Fruit 3] All platforms bulls.
- [Forbidden Fruit 4] Bull tether, 2-mino tether, mino.
- [Blades of Attis] Ride KB to SE/SW corners.
- [Forbidden Fruit 5] Birds and towers. KB-res.
- [Immortal’s Obol] Everyone go to one platform.
- [Inviolate Purgation (FF6)] (“Sleepo”) Stack/spread four times.
- [Forbidden Fruit 7] Start at empty platform, dodge chasing AOE.
- [Famine’s Harvest] Prepos at 2-egg platform. Sprint when eggs hatch. Tethers form “X”, or bait minos.
- [Death’s Harvest] (“Fixed”) Spread relative to bull.
- [War’s Harvest] (“Inumaru”) Prepos at bull platform, mentally trace Mino tethers. Mino through a bird. Bird perpendicular to mino tether. KB-res
- Easy Mechanics LP stack at back.
- (Personal Experience)
- Hector Lecture (full guide)
[P8S p1] Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage), Phase 1
My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.
Recurring mechanics:
- “Bird/Snake” [Sunforge]: Bird = middle is safe. Snake = out-of-middle is safe.
- “Octa/Tetra” [Octaflare/Tetraflare]: Octa = everyone spread. Tetra = pair stacks.
- “Octa/Tetra/Di Storage” [Conceptual Octaflare/Tetraflare/Diflare]: Same thing, but the mechanic is stored for later. (Diflare = LP stacks)
- “Gaze/Kill”: Face a snake to petrify it. Drop the “green AOE” on it to kill it.
- Reforged Reflection is always Centaur→Snake→Centaur→Snake or Snake→Centaur→Snake→Centaur.
- [Volcanic Torches 1] Octa/Tetra storage; One safe square per quadrant; Bird/Snake.
- [Reforged Reflection 1] KB-res early in cast. Either of two phases happens:
- [Centaur 1]: Spread. Count AOE order. Bait in order.
- [Snake 1]: Look-aways; Freeze the adds, kill with green AOEs.
- [Illusory Creation]
- Bird + Snake; Spread; If not hit, bait earthshakers.
- Double-bird/snake. Nest of Flamevipers = spread for line AOEs, else pair-stacks.
- [Volcanic Torches 2] One safe square. Just pay attention to SW corner.
- Repeat Reforged Reflection 1 with the phase you didn’t get.
- [Fourfold Fires]
- Octa/Tetra storage.
- Three huge corner explosions. Octa/Tetra on the second one.
- Bird/snake with stored stack/spread resolving after the third.
- [Reforged Reflection 2] KB-res IF CENTAUR ONLY. Either of two phases happens:
- [Centaur 2]
- Impact = Go front, crush = back. Di/Tetra storage.
- Charge with Di/Tetra resolving → Edge → Charge → Edge → Volcanic Torches
- Remember to preposition to the correct north/south side during the first edge mechanic!
- [Snake 2]:
- Don’t kill “green AOE”. LoS and stack+kill with “purple AOE”.
- Last clone spawns after the second set of stack/kill go off. FIND IT.
- [Centaur 2]
- Repeat Reforged Reflection 2 with the phase you didn’t get.
Tips and tricks:
- [Reforged Reflection 1/2]: Always pop KB resist if it’s off cooldown, about one GCD after Reforged Reflection finishes casting. Aside from the first Reforged Reflection, you will always know whether it’s Snake or Centaur based on whether or not KB resist is on cooldown.
- [Fourfold Fires]: During movements, move towards mid-east or mid-west (depending on your role) if you’re still reading where the snakes are moving. As soon as you know where you’re supposed to be, pop sprint.
- [Snake 2]: The last clone spawns when the second gaze/kill resolves, and has a bright visual effect when it spawns. Get ready to spot it very early, especially to take advantage of the visual effect! There’s very little time otherwise, and the clone can be very difficult to spot because the fight is so visually busy.
- (Personal Experience)
- Hector Lecture (full guide)
[P8S p2] Abyssos: The Eighth Circle (Savage), Phase 2
My notes are only applicable for melee DPS.
Recurring mechanics:
- “Safe Side” [Ashing Blaze]: Half the arena (east or west) is cleaved.
- [High Concept 1/2]
- {α ⟷ ▲} {β ⟷ ▼} {γ ⟷ L-shape}
- “Element” = the coloured hexagons symbol.
- “Nothing” = you have no debuff.
- “Unused” = an element symbol that was unused for the first two puddles.
- “Animal” = the “animal” symbol above your head after your combine two elements.
- [Natural Alignment 1]
- Drop puddles → Stack/Spread → “Safe Side” → 🗘Stack/Spread
- Fire = 3 furthest; Ice = 2 closest. Fire = “Far T-shape”
- [High Concept 1]
- {Short αβγ → Out} {Else → Stacks}
- Match+soak puddles. “Safe side”.
- {Long αβγ → Out} {Nothing OR Unused → Soak αβγ} {Animal → Standby}
- Match+soak puddles. {Had Long αβγ → COMBINE} {Else → COMBINE}
- [Limitless Desolation]
- Spread → When hit, prepos near your tower → Dodge puddle + Soak tower
- [Natural Alignment 2] Read which mechs are inverted.
- [High Concept 2]
- {Short αβγ → Out} {Nothing → Soak α, COMBINE} {Else → Stacks}
- Match+soak puddles. “Safe side”.
- {Long αβγ → Out} {Else → Standby}
- Match+soak puddles, bait clones. {Long αβ → COMBINE} {Leftover elements → COMBINE}
- Red + Green → COMBINE
- [Dominion] Spread. If you weren’t hit, you take first towers. Repeat.
Fire/Ice decision tree for Scripe Strat:
- D1
- DPS have purple?
Fire → East BAIT (OUT) Ice → East (OUT)
- TH have purple?
Fire → North/South BAIT (OUT) Ice → West BAIT (IN)
- DPS have purple?
- D2
- DPS have purple?
D1 is purple & Fire → East BAIT Otherwise → East
- TH have purple?
Fire → North/South (IN) Ice → East BAIT (IN)
- DPS have purple?
Tips and tricks:
- [High Concept 1/2]: Learn to linger around the middle in between mechanics to let healers heal you.
- [High Concept 2]: If you’re baiting the clones, pop sprint!
- [Natural Alignment 2]: Watch for who has the inverse debuff. If only one person has it, correlate player names then mentally convert it to “invert first” or “invert last”.
- [Dominion]:
- If you’re D2, you must also watch whether D1 gets the first AOE, so turn your camera to watch them. If you get AOE and D1 also gets the AOE, you must adjust (and also if you don’t get the AOE and D1 doesn’t get the AOE either). (This assumes you’re using a common tower soak priority strategy.)
- (Personal Experience)
- Hector Lecture (full guide)