


A heap is a tree data structure where a heap property is fulfilled:

A binary heap is a heap with the form of a binary tree that also fulfills the shape property, requiring the tree to also form a complete binary tree, meaning:

  1. all levels except the last are completely filled, and
  2. the last level is filled from left to right.

Heaps are commonly used to implement the priority queue ADT.

Binary heaps are commonly efficiently implemented using an array. Notably, each row appears in the array in order from left to right. Since the binary heap is a complete binary tree, the array is a compact representation with no missing nodes before the last node.

Example of a binary max-heap data structure (colours are used only to help show structure):

The conceptual tree structure of the heap.

Implementation using an array representation.

Some common operations:

OperationRuntimeBasic Summary
Push(item)\text{Push}\parens{\textit{item}}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Add a single item.
Pop()item\text{Pop}\parens{} \to \textit{item}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Extract and remove the root of the heap (i.e. the biggest item of a max-heap, or the smallest item of a min-heap).
Push-Pop(item)item\text{Push-Pop}\parens{\textit{item}} \to \textit{item}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Equivalent to a push and then a pop, in that order. Typically more efficient than using the individual operations.
Pop-Push(item)item\text{Pop-Push}\parens{\textit{item}} \to \textit{item}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Equivalent to a pop and then a push, in that order. Typically more efficient than using the individual operations.
Heapify()\text{Heapify}\parens{}O(n)O\parens{n}Convert an arbitrary complete binary tree into a valid heap.
Get-Size()size\text{Get-Size}\parens{} \to \textit{size}O(1)O\parens{1}Get the number of items in the heap.
(internal) Sift-Up(node)\text{Sift-Up}\parens{\textit{node}}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Moves a node up the tree until it is in a valid position.
(internal) Sift-Down(node)\text{Sift-Down}\parens{\textit{node}}O(logn)O\parens{\log n}Moves a node down the tree until it is in a valid position.

Array Indexing

For 0-indexed arrays, given an index ii, we can find the indices of its left child c1c_1, right child c2c_2, and parent pp with:

c1=2i+1c2=c1+1p=i12c_1 = 2 i + 1 \qquad\qquad c_2 = c_1 + 1 \qquad\qquad p = \floor{\frac{i - 1}{2}}

To quickly derive these equations, let’s try using a 1-indexed array:

The earlier array implementation with 1-indexation.

With 1-indexing, the pattern is much more obvious. Using ii', c1c'_1, c2c'_2, and pp' as our 1-indexed array indices, we observe that the following are true:

c1=2ic2=c1+1p=i2c'_1 = 2 i' \qquad\qquad c'_2 = c'_1 + 1 \qquad\qquad p' = \floor{\frac{i'}{2}}

To convert back to 0-indexing, we apply i=i+1i' = i + 1 and such:

(c1+1)=2(i+1)c1+1=2i+2c1=2i+1(c2+1)=(c1+1)+1c2=c1+1p+1=i+12p=i+122=i12\begin{gathered} \begin{aligned} \parens{c_1 + 1} &= 2 \parens{i + 1} \\ c_1 + 1 &= 2 i + 2 \\ c_1 &= 2 i + 1 \end{aligned} \qquad\qquad \begin{aligned} \parens{c_2 + \xcancel{1}} &= \parens{c_1 + \xcancel{1}} + 1 \\ c_2 &= c_1 + 1 \end{aligned} \qquad\qquad \begin{aligned} p + 1 &= \floor{\frac{i + 1}{2}} \\ p &= \floor{\frac{i + 1 - 2}{2}} = \floor{\frac{i - 1}{2}} \end{aligned} \end{gathered} TODO: Discuss left/right-shift’s role in implementing array indexing.

Push and Sift-Up

Push(item)Sift-Up(node)\text{Push}\parens{\textit{item}} \qquad\qquad\qquad \text{Sift-Up}\parens{\textit{node}}

The push operation inserts a new item into the heap. The algorithm:

  1. Add the new item to the next free space while still forming a complete binary tree.
  2. Run sift-up starting from the new node to restore the heap property.

The sift-up operation moves a node up the tree until it is in the correct position. The algorithm:

  1. Compare the current node with its parent. If they are in the correct order, then we are done.
  2. Otherwise, swap them, move to the new position of our node, and repeat sift-up.

Both algorithms have O(logn)O\parens{\log n} runtime.

Sample implementation:

def hpush(heap, item):
    sift_up(heap, len(heap) - 1)

def sift_up(heap, i):
    parent = (i - 1) >> 1
    if (i == 0) or (heap[parent] > heap[i]):
    (heap[parent], heap[i]) = (heap[i], heap[parent])
    sift_up(heap, parent)

Sample driver code:

# Start with a valid heap
heap = [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

# We push 92 to the heap
hpush(heap, 92)
print(heap) # [94, 87, 92, 57, 68, 81, 5,
            #  35, 36, 29, 41, 18, 74]
TODO: Provide a visual explainer of what’s happening?

Pop and Sift-Down

Pop()itemSift-Down(node)\text{Pop}\parens{} \to \textit{item} \qquad\qquad\qquad \text{Sift-Down}\parens{\textit{node}}

The pop operation extracts and removes the root of the heap. For a max-heap, the extracted value is the largest item, or for a min-heap, the extracted value is the smallest item. The algorithm:

  1. Store the current root item. This will be returned later.
  2. Move the bottom-leftmost item into the original place of root.
  3. Run sift-down starting from the new root to restore the heap property.

The sift-down operation moves a node down the tree until it is in the correct position. The algorithm:

  1. If our current node is in the correct order with its children, then we are done.
  2. Otherwise, swap the current node and one of the children it’s out-of-order with. For a max-heap, we must swap with the larger child, and for a min-heap, we must swap with the smaller child, otherwise these nodes will still be out of order.
  3. Move to our node’s new location, and repeat sift-down.

Both algorithms have O(logn)O\parens{\log n} runtime.

Sample implementation:

# PRECONDITION: len(heap) > 0
def hpop(heap):
    to_return = heap[0]
    heap[0] = heap.pop()
    sift_down(heap, 0)
    return to_return

def sift_down(heap, i):
    left = (i << 1) + 1
    if left >= len(heap):
    right = left + 1

    if (right >= len(heap)) or (heap[left] > heap[right]):
        next_child = left
        next_child = right

    if heap[next_child] <= heap[i]:
    (heap[next_child], heap[i]) = (heap[i], heap[next_child])
    sift_down(heap, next_child)

Sample driver code:

# Start with a valid heap
heap = [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

result = hpop(heap)
print(result) # 94
print(heap) # [87, 68, 81, 57, 41, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 18]

Push-Pop and Pop-Push

Push-Pop(item)itemPop-Push(item)item\text{Push-Pop}\parens{\textit{item}} \to \textit{item} \qquad\qquad\qquad \text{Pop-Push}\parens{\textit{item}} \to \textit{item}

The push-pop operation is equivalent to a push and then a pop, in that order. The algorithm:

  1. If our new item is greater than or equal to the current root (for a max-heap) or less than or equal to the current root (for a min-heap), then we are done. No need to do any further operations on the heap. The new item is also the popped item.
  2. Store the current root. This will be returned later.
  3. Replace the root node with the new item.
  4. Perform sift-down starting from the root node.

The pop-push operation is the other way around (a pop followed by a push). The algorithm:

  1. Store the current root. This will be returned later.
  2. Replace the root node with the new item.
  3. Perform sift-down starting from the root node.

Push-pop and pop-push are typically more efficient than using the individual push and pop operations together. Both operations have O(logn)O\parens{\log n} runtime.

Sample implementation and driver code for push-pop:

# PRECONDITION: len(heap) > 0
def hpushpop(heap, item):
    if item < heap[0]:
        (item, heap[0]) = (heap[0], item)
        sift_down(heap, 0)
    return item

# sift_down is defined elsewhere.

# A valid heap
template = [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

heap = template.copy()
result = hpushpop(heap, 37)
print(result) # 94
print(heap) # [87, 68, 81, 57, 41, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 37, 18]

heap = template.copy()
result = hpushpop(heap, 95)
print(result) # 95
print(heap) # [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

Sample implementation and driver code for pop-push:

# PRECONDITION: len(heap) > 0
def hpoppush(heap, item):
    (item, heap[0]) = (heap[0], item)
    sift_down(heap, 0)
    return item

# sift_down is defined elsewhere.

# The same valid heap as the push-pop example
template = [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

heap = template.copy()
result = hpoppush(heap, 37)
print(result) # 94
print(heap) # Same as for hpushpop(heap, 37)

heap = template.copy()
result = hpoppush(heap, 95)
print(result) # 94
print(heap) # [95, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]
TODO: Provide a visual explainer of what’s happening?



The heapify operation converts an arbitrary complete binary tree into a valid heap. The algorithm simply runs sift-down on array nodes [n/2,,1,0]\brackets{\floor{n / 2}, \dots, 1, 0}, in that order.

This algorithm runs in O(n)O\parens{n}.

Sample implementation:

def heapify(heap):
    for i in range(len(heap) >> 1, 0, -1):
        sift_down(heap, i - 1)

Sample driver code:

# Start with an arbitrary complete binary tree
heap = [18, 35, 74, 36, 29, 81, 5, 57, 87, 68, 41, 94]

print(heap) # [94, 87, 81, 57, 68, 74, 5, 35, 36, 29, 41, 18]

TODO: Provide a visual explainer of what’s happening?

TODO: Explain the naive algorithm of repeated push operations, and another alternative algorithm that uses sift-up. Explain why sift-down is the best algorithm.

Further Reading

TODO: Reference heap sort

TODO: Standard implementations?
